Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I apologize for a few inaccurate words in the last blog. The blackberry posted promoted as prompted and see as are and I just didint catch it. I know I'm writing to an educated crew so you'll figure it out.
I was happy when I saw Alena and all the kids at the orphanage, but in all honesty I was ecstatic the moment I saw Igor, my driver, in the mob of taxi drivers when I was exiting the baggage claim at the Almaty airport after midnight Saturday. He's bigger than me, ex-military, and his presence carries a comforting level of security. Needless to say no gypsies were bothering us like last time. Our ability to communicate is limited, but improving, and we have developed a cool friendship despite the language barrier. Our most common language is laughter after I butcher some Russian words in my many attempts. But it doesn't stop me from trying.
The drive between Taldy-Korgan and Almaty did prove to be just as exciting as the first time. Amazing how the drivers turn 2 lanes into 3, or 4 lanes into 6 with the middle lanes used for playing chicken with oncoming traffic when passing vehicles, just crazy. Many parts of the roads are very rough and I think Igor is in need of some new shocks in the van because we definitely bottomed out a few times at 60 mph. Fortunately his brakes worked well as he needed two quick stops to avoid taking out some cattle deciding to cross the road. The middle of nowhere is not the place to have any accidents or car trouble. We also got stopped at a police checkpoint on the way back. He just had to show them license and registration. No payoff necessary that time. I fell asleep the last hour and that was probably the best way to take that ride. If Alena took that ride in stride while sitting in the far back seat of the van, the plane rides should be a breeze.
Take care,

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